APCS logo expanding to impact

Asheville-Pisgah Christian School Building Project

June Update

Building for Eternity

Through our building project fundraising efforts, we’re expanding the footprint of ministry so we can impact the lives of more students for eternity.

We’re asking our alumni, community, church members, families and anyone else who feels led, to consider giving a donation so that we can continue our mission of Christian education.

Teacher and students in small classroom
Asheville-Pisgah Christian School Students

APCS Fundraising Campaign

In the last 10 years we’ve grown from 53 to almost 170 students.

We are bursting at the seams with precious, eager students and this school year we welcomed three new teachers! While we continue to emphasize spiritual and academic excellence in our classrooms, our ability to stretch and grow is stunted by our physical space.

We’ve turned dry storage rooms into our 5th grade and Pre-K classrooms, and have already outgrown both of these spaces.

The bottom line is we just need some more room! We need a new place for our 7th graders and their teacher to meet. Our tiny kitchen also serves as our piano lesson room and office space for several workers, and we use our multi-purpose room for lunch, classes, before school care, and music.

Building Plan

In answer to these needs, the APCS school board and constituent bodies voted to move forward with a four-phase building project that will include more classrooms, a gymnasium, a kitchen, and an eating area.

  • The gymnasium project will provide a space for the kids to run and play when it’s raining and we can’t get outside. This phase also includes the renovation of the multi-purpose room into two classrooms so we can move the classrooms out of storage rooms and better accommodate our growing APCS family!

    Breaking ground April 1, 2023!

    Phase 1 Fundraising Goal: $3 Million

  • This phase will add additional space for our growing number of students. We have been so blessed with our enrollment numbers increasing and don’t want lack of space to ever get in the way of accepting students!

  • This phase will be at the backside of building (which will become the front of the building), and will provide a place for our faculty and staff to properly plan and prepare for our growing number of students.

  • This will take place at the current back of the school, which will become the front, and will provide a more efficient traffic system to better accommodate our growing student body.

    Total Fundraising Goal (for all phases): $10.8 Million

Upcoming Campaign Events

Ground Breaking

Project Phase 1 Kick-off
Open to everyone!

First Day of School

Students will be back on campus
with building underway!

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